Becoming an NCCE Member
NCCE is a collaborative network of colleges and universities committed to educating students for civic and social responsibility, partnering with communities for positive change, and strengthening democracy.
Presidents and chancellors join the network on behalf of their institution. Membership is open to the presidents and chancellors of all regionally or nationally accredited institutions and systems of higher education in North Carolina who are interested in:
- Leading a campus-wide culture of civic and community engagement.
- Promoting, facilitating, and rewarding engagement.
- Inspiring, endorsing, and rewarding faculty efforts to integrate service and community engagement with academic study.
- Supporting students as they undertake thoughtful reflection and efforts to address the challenges in our society.
- Developing and endorsing policies and structures on campus, state and national levels that support community engagement.
- Collaborating with other institutions to strengthen regional initiatives and establishing long-term systemic support for all forms of campus-community engagement.
Steps to Become a Member
Step 1
The President or Chancellor writes a Letter of Commitment stating his or her support for the principles and initiatives of NCCE. The Letter of Commitment should be addressed to the NCCE Executive Board Chair. The current Chair is Dr. Kelli Brown, Chancellor of Western Carolina University.
E-mail the completed Letter of Commitment to ncce@ncengage.org or mail to:
North Carolina Campus Engagement
2257 Campus Box
Elon, NC 27244
Step 2
The institution pays membership dues of $5,500 per year for four-year institutions and $3,000 for two-year institutions. Checks should be made payable to North Carolina Campus Engagement and sent to the address above.
Step 3
Upon receipt of membership dues your institution is eligible for all membership benefits. The President or Chancellor must appoint one to three individuals to serve as the Community Engagement Liaisons (CELs) for NC Campus Engagement, select individuals that will ensure information is shared broadly so that your campus can receive all benefits associated with membership. The President’s Office will receive a CEL form to complete with relevant contact information. E-mail the completed CEL form to ncce@ncengage.org or mail to:
North Carolina Campus Engagement
2257 Campus Box
Elon, NC 27244
Step 4
The CEL(s) will be invited to schedule a New Member Orientation.
The president or CEL may also wish to send a campus-wide, “Dear Colleague” letter or email to announce the institution’s membership and summarize upcoming network events and benefits. Upon joining, you will receive the letter template.
Important Dates
Although an institution may join our network at any time, please join by June 1 in order to take full advantage of membership. If an institution joins at other times during the year, NCCE may offer a modified fee structure for that year. The annual membership term is July 1 – June 30.
Once your institution becomes a member, an annual dues renewal request will be sent to the President or Chancellor’s Office in April with a June 15 deadline to renew.
For additional information or to request a campus visit, contact Executive Director, Leslie Garvin, at (336) 278-7278.