NC Campus Voting Coalition
Mission: The NC Campus Voting Coalition is an alliance of organizations committed to providing nonpartisan education, resources, and support to North Carolina campuses and students to increase voter participation and civic engagement.
The NC Campus Voting Coalition (NC-CVC), was formed in 2012 to coordinate the efforts of organizations committed to nonpartisan student election engagement in North Carolina. This group is the longest-standing state network devoted to student voting in the nation. The group meets virtually each month to share resources and individual projects. The Coalition also organizes the annual NC College Voter Summit each fall. We support student voting for EVERY election – general, midterms, and local/municipal.
We host special events throughout the year including a Spring Week of Action in 2021 and a Spring Month of Action in 2022. In July 2023, the Coalition, and several additional partners, hosted a Summer Legislative webinar series. Click below to see the presentation slides.
- Student Voting In NC: Latest Election Changes and You.
- County Boards of Elections: Helping Campus and Community Vote
- Legislative Advocacy 301: Redistricting
- What’s on the Ballot (2023) for your Campus and Community
If you’re a nonpartisan democracy organization in North Carolina, and you would like to learn more about the NC Campus Voting Coalition, reach out to

(Pictured: Members of the NC-CVC during the 2024 NC College Voter Summit)
Want to stay up to date with North Carolina election engagement trainings, events, and updates? Follow us on Instagram @NCVoterSummit!
Campus Conversations
Thank you for joining us for a Campus Conversation! We hope you enjoyed connecting with others doing campus-based election engagement work in North Carolina while learning how you can prepare your campus for the registration deadline and early voting from You Can Vote.

Democracy Summer School
Follow along as NC Campus Voting Coalition partners share their specialized knowledge during this social media campaign, Democracy Summer School, on Instagram!
Follow us on Instagram @NCVoterSummit!

2024 March Primary Campus Activation Day Call
The NC Campus Voting Coalition hosted a March Primary Activation Day call via Zoom for campus staff/administration to prepare for the March Primary prior to the start of the semester. 26 campuses sent representatives to learn about changes to NC voting and election law, learn about resources available for student voter education, and hear from standout campuses who established creative and effective mobilization strategies on campus. You can view the recordings from the call below, or view the “Key Takeaways” document with key points and questions from each session.

2024-25 NC Campus Voting Coalition partners
All members of the NC Campus Voting Coalition are nonpartisan, highly trusted, and credible for campus voter engagement. Each organization in the NC-CVC offers multiple resources to mobilize colleges and universities, including fellowships, trainings, grassroots organizing, and funding. To learn what each organization offers, we invite you to visit their website.