Presidents Forum
Since 2011, NC Campus Engagement has convened presidents and chancellors to discuss the role college and university leaders play in developing and institutionalizing higher education civic and community engagement. This Forum is open to all North Carolina presidents. However, the dinner hosted the night before, by that year’s host president, is for NCCE member presidents only. The Forum is typically held on the same day as the PACE Conference.

16th Annual Presidents Forum
February 11, 2026
Previous Forums
2025 Presidents Forum
Host: President Anthony Clarke, Guilford Technical Community College
Location: The Conference Center at GTCC (Colfax, NC)
Theme: Democracy Begins at Home: The Place-Based Imperative of Community and Civic Engagement
Dr. Timothy K. Eatman, an educational sociologist and publicly engaged scholar, serves as the Inaugural Dean of the Honors Living – Learning Community and Professor of Urban Education at Rutgers University-Newark.
“Publicly Engaged Scholarship in 21st Academe: Beware the Shrinking Imagination“
Dr. Byron P. White, Associate Provost for Urban Research and Community Engagement at the University of North Carolina Charlotte where he oversees urbanCORE (Community-Oriented Research and Engagement). He is also a Professor of Practice in the Department of Communication Studies and is an affiliated faculty member in the Department of Education Leadership.
“Engaging to Survive“

2024 Presidents Forum
Host: President Kyle Farmbry, Guilford College
Location: Greensboro, NC
Dr. John Silvanus Wilson, Managing Director of the Open Leadership Program, Chairman of the Open Leadership Council, MIT Media LabMIT Media Lab and Executive Director, Millennium Leadership Initiative, American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU), former Morehouse College president, and author of Hope and Healing: Black Colleges and the Future of American Democracy (Harvard Education Press, 2023)
“North Carolina Higher Education and the Future of American Democracy…A Challenge!
Dr. Elizabeth Niehaus, Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Administration at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and 2022-23 Senior Fellow at the University of California National Center for Free Speech and Civic Engagement
“You Don’t Know What you Think You Know: Upending Assumptions about Speech and Expression on Campus”
Dr. Jacqueline Pfeffer Merrill, Director, the Bipartisan Policy Center Free Expression Project
“Strategies for College Presidents: Fostering Civil Discourse during the 2024 Elections”

2023 Presidents Forum
Host: President Nido R. Qubein, High Point University
Location: High Point, NC
Dr. Ted Mitchell, President, American Council on Education (ACE)
Fireside chat with President Pamela Senegal, Piedmont Community College
Drs. Ashley Finley and Kathryn Enke, AAC&U
“A Comprehensive Look at Why Student’s Community and Civic Engagement Matters: Findings from the Field”
Dr. Eric Mlyn, Duke University
“Navigating the Politics of Higher Education”

2022 Presidents Forum [Virtual]
Host: NC Campus Engagement Executive Board
Eric Liu, CEO, Citizen University
“Making the Case for Civics Education”
Special thank you to Elon University for sponsoring Mr. Liu.
Demetri Morgan, Ph.D., Chair of the Higher Education Program and Assistant Professor at Loyola University Chicago
“Engaging Contemporary Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement Tensions: Leadership for the Next ‘Normal’ ”
2021 Presidents Forum [Virtual]
Host: Executive Board
Thomas A. Stith III, President, North Carolina Community College System
“Promoting Democracy and Civic Engagement During Turbulent Times”
William V. Flores, former president of the University of Houston–Downtown, current manager of the UHD Masters of Nonprofit Management Program
Katrina S. Rogers, President of Fielding Graduate University
Editors of Democracy, Civic Engagement, and Citizenship in Higher Education: Reclaiming Our Civic Purpose
The Role of Higher Education in Addressing Racial Equity
Paul Pribbenow, President, Augsburg University
A Culture of Caring: Intentionally Love Students to Success
Russell Lowery-Hart, President, Amarillo College

2020 Forum (10th Anniversary)
Host: President Connie Book, Elon University
Location: Elon, NC
Dr. Jen Domagal-Goldman, Executive Director, The ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge
Higher Education’s Role in Cultivating Democratic Engagement
Dr. Jenna Robinson, President, The Martin Center for Academic Renewal
Policy Solutions to the Critical Issues in Higher Education (pictured)
Presidential Panel: Reflections and Recommendations from Former Campus Leaders
Moderator: Carol Quillen, President, Davidson College
Leo M. Lambert, President Emeritus, Elon University
Kenneth Peacock, former Chancellor, Appalachian State University

2019 Forum
Host: Chancellor Frank Gilliam, Jr., UNC Greensboro
Location: Greensboro, NC
Dr. John B. King, Jr., president and CEO of The Education Trust
Toward Educational Justice: Student Success and Civic Engagement
Dr. Mildred García, president of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU)
Jeremy Anderson, president of the Education Commission of the States
Key Ed Policy Trends in 2019 and the Impact of the 2018 Midterms

2018 Forum
Host: President Jo Allen, Meredith College
Location: Raleigh
Dr. Lynn Pasquerella, president of the Association of American Colleges and Universities
Presidential Leadership in a Post-Truth Era
Dr. Matthew Hartley, Professor of Education, Associate Dean of the Graduate School of Education and founding Executive Director of the Alliance for Higher Education and Democracy (AHEAD) at the University of Pennsylvania
Knowledge for Social Change: Creating Democratic, Civic and Community-Engaged Institutions.
Panel discussants: Justice Bob Orr, lawyer and former Associate Justice of the North Carolina Supreme Court and Dr. David McLennan, Professor of Political Science, Meredith College
Can they say that? The role of higher education in promoting free speech and civility
Sponsors: The Piedmont Service Group (Awards Sponsor) and Aramark (Resource Sponsor).

2017 Forum
Host: Chancellor Harold Martin Sr., North Carolina A & T State University
Location: Greensboro
Jamie Merisotis, President and CEO of the Lumina Foundation
What Now”: North Carolina’s Opportunity to Reimagine Postsecondary Education
Dr. Alicia Dowd, professor of education at Penn State University’s Center for the Study of Higher Education
From Diversity to Equity: Engaging the ‘Race Question’ in Higher Education
Dr. Andrew Seligsohn, President of Campus Compact
Why Our Students, Our Communities, and Our Democracy Need Us to Change Our Institutions
Panel discussants: President Bill Ingram, Durham Technical Community College;
President Carol Quillen, Davidson College; Chancellor Elwood Robinson, Winston-Salem State University; Chancellor Jose Sartarelli, UNC Wilmington; and
Chancellor Harold Martin, Sr. (moderator)
Topic: Examples of promoting equity and inclusion
Sponsors: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina and Aramark Facility Services

2016 Presidents Forum
“Partners in Progress: Presidents, Institutions, and Communities”
Host: President Nido Qubein, High Point University
Location: High Point
Pat McCrory, Governor of North Carolina
Gene Chasin, chief operating officer of the national non-profit Say Yes to Education
Dr. Steve Dubb, director of special projects at the Democracy Collaborative
Panel discussants: Chancellor Steve Ballard, East Carolina University; President Stephen Scott, Wake Technical Community College; President Steven Solnick, Warren Wilson College
Topic: Institutionalizing and expanding civic and community engagement

2015 Forum
“Creating a Culture for #ServiceYear in North Carolina”
Host: President Leo Lambert, Elon University
Location: Elon
Retired General Stanley McChrystal, the former commander of U.S. and International Security Assistance Forces in Afghanistan and the former commander of the nation’s premier military counter-terrorism task force, Joint Special Operations Command and Chair of the Board of Service Year Alliance
Making a year of full-time service — a service year — a common expectation and opportunity for young Americans of all backgrounds
Presidential Panel discussants:
Richard Brodhead, Duke University; Carol Quillen, Davidson College; Taylor Reveley, College of William & Mary; Randy Woodson, North Carolina State University; Leo Lambert, Elon University (moderator)
Philanthropy/Business panel participants: Dave King, CEO, LabCorp; Kristy Teskey, Executive Director, John M. Belk Endowment; Nancy Cable, President, Arthur Vining Davis Foundation

(pictured l to r: Brodhead and Quillen)
2014 Forum
February 5, 2014
Host: Chancellor Gary Miller, University of North Carolina at Wilmington
Location: Wilmington, NC
Chancellor Linda Brady, UNC Greensboro
Chancellor Harold Martin, NC A&T State University
Topic: Building a Sustained Higher Education and Business Collaboration: Opportunity Greensboro
President Richard Guarasci, Wagner College
Topics: Maximizing Economic Development and Community Engagement Impact on Staten Island & Leading an Anchor Institution deeply committed to Community Engagement
Maureen Curley, President, Campus Compact
President Richard Guarasci, member, Campus Compact Executive Board
Topic: Campus Compact Moving Strategically Forward: North Carolina and National
Jason Mangone, Director, The Franklin Project
MacKenzie Moritz, Associate Director for Strategic Partnerships, The Franklin Project
Topic: The Franklin Project: Making Possible a Year of Service
Dr. Jody Kretzmann, co-founder and co-director of the Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) Institute, Northwestern University
Topic: Higher Education Linkages that Build Vital Communities
Andy Chan, Vice President, Office of Personal and Career Development, Wake Forest University
Topic: How to get a job with a philosophy degree: Transforming higher education to prepare students for life
Dr. Barbara Holland, Researcher and Consultant
Topic: The Strategic Value of Engagement: Creating a Culture of Engagement
President Leo M. Lambert, Elon University and member of the North Carolina Campus Compact Executive Board
Topic: Setting our Course for the Future
Photo: Members of the NC Campus Compact Executive Board (Leo Lambert, Elon; Jo Allen, Meredith; Ken Peacock, Appalachian State University; Nido Qubein, High Point University; Kyle Carter, UNC Pembroke; James Anderson, Fayetteville State University; Gary Miller, UNC Wilmington; Lisa Keyne, NC Campus Compact) Photos by: Jeff Janowski/UNCW.
2013 Forum
Host: President Leo Lambert, Elon University
Location: Elon, NC
Dr. Peter L. Levine, Lincoln Filene Professor of Citizenship & Public Affairs, Director of The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning & Engagement (CIRCLE), Jonathan M. Tisch College of Citizenship and Public Service, Tufts University
Roundtable discussions:
President Jo Allen, Meredith College, moderator
American Public Higher Education and the Value of Place: New Frontier
Chancellor Gary L. Miller, University of North Carolina Wilmington & NC Campus Compact Board member
The Strategic Value of Engagement: Creating a Culture of Engagement
Judith A. Ramaley, President Emerita and Distinguished Professor of Public Service at Portland State University in the Mark O. Hatfield School of Government and President Emerita of Winona State University
Creating a Culture of Engagement in North Carolina: The Strategic Value of our Compact
Chancellor Kenneth E. Peacock, Appalachian State University, NC Campus Compact Executive Board Chair (pictured in top photo to the left)
President Garrett D. Hinshaw, Catawba Valley Community College & NC Campus Compact Executive Board Member
Setting our Course for the Future
Chancellor Kyle Carter, University of North Carolina Pembroke
2012 Forum
“Intensifying Engagement: Presidents talking to Presidents”
February 15, 2012 (held in conjunction with NC Campus Compact’s 10th Anniversary Celebration)
Location: The Friday Center, Chapel Hill, NCHosts: NC Campus Compact Executive Board
Dr. Caryn McTighe Musil, Senior Vice President, Association of American Colleges and Universities
Dr. Mark Gearan, President, Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Chancellor Nancy Cantor, Syracuse University
Panel discussants: Chancellor Nancy Cantor, Syracuse University; President Mark Gearan, Hobart and William Smith Colleges; President Brian Murphy, De Anza College
Moderator: Dr. Leo M. Lambert, President, Elon University & NC Campus Compact Executive Board member
Panel discussants: President Scott Ralls, NC Community Colleges (pictured);
President Carol Quillen, Davidson College (pictured);
Chancellor Phil Dubois, UNC Charlotte
Introductions: President Julianne Malveaux, Bennett College
Moderator: President Mark Gearan, Hobart and William Smith Colleges
2011 Forum
“Service as a Solution”
February 9, 2011
Host: President Leo Lambert, Elon University
Location: Elon, NC
Nicole Gallant, Director, Learn & Serve America, Corporation for National & Community Service
Panel Discussants: President Scott Ralls, NC Community College System; President Tom Ross, University of North Carolina; President Hope Williams, NC Independent Colleges & Universities
Moderator: President Garrett Hinshaw, Catawba Valley Community College & NC Campus Compact Executive Board member