Deliberation & Public Problem Solving
The Preamble to the U.S. Constitution was signed in 1787. This document not only established the government of the United States, it enshrined the words “We the People” into the vision of America. The Kettering Foundation captured this vision by stating “Democracy is about citizens’ ability to work together, despite their differences, to have some measure of control over their shared future.” Since 2013, NCCE has helped campuses explore the notion of a deliberative democracy. In 2013, we hosted a Civic Engagement Institute and introduced the network to the National Issues Forum deliberative forum model which allows individuals to discuss public issues by weighing a range of possible actions, while considering the relevant trade-offs and benefits. The ultimate goal is to help our member campuses develop these skills in order to engage with their communities to find common ground and take action on the most pressing issues they face. The deliberative forum model is also one of the facilitation options for the NC Student Dialogue Ambassadors program.
NCCE has hosted trainings in how to moderate deliberative forums for over 800 faculty, staff, students, and community members from more than 100 colleges and universities. If you are interested in bringing Moderator Training to your college, university, or community group, contact NCCE.
In 2019 we launched the first of two team competitions to give students the opportunity to practice and develop their deliberation and problem-solving skills (pictured in the header). We are grateful to the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation for funding to launch both competitions. Click on the menu above to learn more.