Network Regional Meetings
[Members only] Our twice-yearly network meetings offer community and civic engagement professionals the opportunity for professional development and networking. In 2019, we launched a six-year professional development curriculum for the meetings. The curriculum framework is drawn from The Community Engagement Professional in Higher Education: A Competency Model for an Emerging Field and the Community Engagement Professional’s Guidebook: A Companion to the Community Engagement Professional in Higher Education. Special thanks to the NCCE community engagement professionals assisting with the curriculum design and facilitation: Bob Frigo, Associate Director, Kernodle Center for Civic Life, Elon University; Dr. Jaime Russell, Director of Student Community Engagement, UNC Wilmington; and Dr. Tamara Johnson, Director of Engaged Scholarship, urbanCORE, UNC Charlotte. Dr. Lane Perry, the former Executive Director of the Center for Community Engagement and Service Learning, Western Carolina University, also assisted from 2019-2022.
Network meetings occur in early August and early January. We are always seeking member campuses to host the in-person August meetings (one in the eastern region and one in the western region). The January meetings are virtual. Campuses who wish to host can reach out to the NCCE office to receive an overview of host responsibilities. These events are only open to representatives from campuses in the NCCE network. Campuses may send multiple representatives.
In addition to the professional development session, each meeting includes NCCE updates and program highlights from member campuses. The August in-person meeting includes continental breakfast and lunch. There is no charge to attend, but participants must RSVP.
Launched in 2003, network meetings are one of our longest standing member benefits.
Join us for the 2025 Winter Network Briefing & Discussion
Thursday, January 9 [Virtual]
Noon to 2:00 p.m.
Network Meetings are an opportunity to learn, share, and connect with community engagement professionals from our 40 campus network. This gathering will be a condensed version of the annual virtual Winter Network Meetings where we have historically included a morning professional learning session.
The agenda will still include an update of NCCE opportunities and resources and campus sharing (from you!). However, since we just concluded our six-year professional learning training, we will spend the final 30-45 minutes in a discussion on the future of the community and civic engagement field in higher education, including challenges and opportunities, and what learning and topics we need to explore together moving forward.
Open to all administrators, faculty, and staff who facilitate civic and community engagement at your campus.
We look forward to a meaningful time of connection and sharing.
Professional Learning Curriculum
- 2019-20: Facilitating Students’ Civic Learning and Development
- 2020-21: Cultivating High-Quality Partnerships
- 2021-22: Facilitating Faculty Development and Support
- 2022-23: Adopting and Promoting the Public Purposes of Higher Education & Critical Perspectives and Commitments”
- 2023-24: Administering & Evaluating Community Engagement Programs
- 2024-25: Envisioning and Leading Institutional Change
Recent Network Meetings
July 2024 (Meeting and NCCE Open House)
Elon University
Professional Learning Topic: “Envisioning and Leading Institutional Change”
January 2024 [Virtual]
Professional Development Topic: “Administering & Evaluating Community Engagement Programs”
Featured presenter: Dr. Patti Clayton, NCCE’s Practitioner-Scholar-In-Residence
August 2023
Greensboro College
Professional Development Topic: “Administering & Evaluating Community Engagement Programs”
January 2023 [Virtual]
Professional Development Topic: “Critical Perspectives and Commitments Deserving Attention from Community Engagement Professionals”
August 2022
(August): Wingate University & Alamance Community College
Professional Development Topic: “Adopting and Promoting the Public Purposes of Higher Education”
August 2021 & January 2022 [Virtual]
Professional Development Topic: “Facilitating Faculty Development and Support”
August 2020 & January 2021 [Virtual]
Professional Development Topic: “Cultivating High-Quality Community Partnerships (through an Equity Lens)”
August 2019 & January 2020
(August): NC Central and NC A & T State University
(January): Campbell University & UNC Charlotte
Professional Development Topic: “Facilitating Students’ Civic Learning and Development”
January 2019 & August 2018
(January) Durham Technical Community College & Davidson County Community College
(August) Western Carolina University and Wayne Community College
Professional development: The Community Engagement Professional in Higher Education: A Competency Model for an Emerging Field (Dr. Lina Distilio, author and Assistant Vice Chancellor for Community Engagement, University of Pittsburgh)
Professional development session: NCCE’s Community of Practice, Inquiry, and Learning (COPIL) facilitated discussions and exercises exploring key concepts in CCE field.
January 2018 & August 2017
(January) Wake Forest University
Professional development: Review and small group discussions related to the new NCCE strategic plan, as well as a facilitated conversation about free speech using the Institute for Democracy & Higher Education’s “Free Speech & Inclusion on Campus” discussion guide.
(August) Pfeiffer University and UNC Pembroke
Professional development: Roundtable discussions on topics selected by participants, as well as lighting presentations of scholarship by colleagues.